
How PRP Therapy Treats Female Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common problem that affects millions of women. Female hair loss is caused by a variety of factors – but genetics is the primary cause. The hormone decline of menopause, pregnancy, stress, and certain medications are also culprits behind female hair loss.

Female hair loss can be particularly distressing, as it can have a significant impact on a woman’s self-esteem and quality of life. Unfortunately, most women do not seek help for hair loss because they are ashamed, embarrassed, or mistakenly believe there is “noting they can do”.

Fortunately, there is a new, 100% natural treatment available to help address female hair loss: platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy. In this article Dr. Ruthie Harper, MD in Austin, TX explains how this revolutionary new hair loss treatment can restore thick, luscious, beautiful hair in women (and men!)

What is PRP therapy for hair loss?

PRP therapy is a non-surgical treatment that involves using nourishing factors from a patient’s own blood to stimulate hair growth. The procedure involves drawing a small amount of blood from the patient and placing it in a centrifuge to separate the plasma, which is rich in growth factors and platelets which nourish the scalp and lead to stem cell migration.

This platelet-rich plasma is then injected into the patient’s scalp, where it can help to stimulate the growth of new hair follicles.

How PRP Therapy Treats Female Hair Loss

PRP therapy works by delivering a concentrated dose of growth factors and platelets directly to the scalp. These growth factors and platelets help to promote the growth of new blood vessels and migration of stem cells which can in turn promote the growth of new hair follicles.

Additionally, PRP therapy can also help to reduce inflammation in the scalp, which can be a contributing factor to hair loss. By reducing inflammation, PRP therapy can create a more favorable environment for hair growth.

Benefits of PRP Therapy for Female Hair Loss

There are several benefits of PRP therapy for female hair loss. One of the most significant benefits is that it is a non-surgical treatment option. Unlike hair transplant surgery, PRP therapy does not involve any incisions or sutures, which means that there is minimal risk of scarring or infection. Additionally, because the treatment uses the patient’s own blood, there is no risk of an allergic reaction or rejection.

Another benefit of PRP therapy is that it can be used to treat a variety of types of hair loss, including androgenetic alopecia, telogen effluvium, and alopecia areata. This means that PRP therapy can be a versatile treatment option for women with different types of hair loss.
Finally, PRP therapy is a relatively quick and simple procedure that can be completed in the physician’s office in just an hour. Most patients are able to return to their normal activities immediately after the treatment, although they may need to avoid strenuous exercise for a few days.

What can patients expect during PRP therapy?

Before undergoing PRP therapy, patients will undergo a thorough medical evaluation by Dr. Ruthie Harper, MD to determine the underlying cause of their hair loss. This evaluation may include a physical exam and blood tests. This is an important part of the treatment protocol so that each individuals cause for hair loss can be determined and resolved.

On the day of the procedure, the patient’s scalp will be numbed with a local anesthetic making the procedure painless. The PRP solution will then be injected into the scalp and the entire procedure typically takes less than an hour to complete.

After the procedure, patients may experience some mild tenderness at the injection sites, but these symptoms typically resolve within a few days. Patients will typically need to undergo four sessions of PRP hair loss therapy, spaced 1 month apart, to achieve optimal results.

No Side Effects with PRP Therapy for Female Hair Loss

PRP carries minimal risks and side effects when the procedure is performed by a qualified and experienced practitioner like Dr. Ruthie Harper, MD in Austin, TX.

There are only minor side effects, including mild discomfort or swelling at the injection sites following the procedure. However, these symptoms typically resolve within a few days, and can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers.

PRP Therapy for Female Hair Loss | Austin, TX

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is an effective treatment option for female hair loss, available at Ruthie Harper, MD in Austin, TX. It is safe and versatile and can be used to treat a variety of types of female hair loss.

PRP therapy for hair female loss offers several benefits over other treatment options, including a quick and simple procedure, minimal risk of infection, and no risk of allergic reaction or rejection. If you are a woman in the Austin, TX area who is struggling with hair loss, schedule PRP therapy with Dr. Ruthie Harper, MD and restore your confidence and quality of life!

PRP Female Hair Loss Treatment | Austin, TX: (512) 343-9355

hrt doctror austin tx

Tired? Hair Loss? Weight Gain? Testosterone May be the Problem. HRT Can Help!

Most people think of testosterone as a male hormone. But women need testosterone, too! Testosterone is a steroid hormone that plays a role in the development of ‘secondary sexual characteristics’ in women, such as increased muscle mass and strength, and also helps regulate bone density, sex drive, and mood.

And while the levels of testosterone in women are typically much lower than those in men, it is important for them to be within the normal range for optimal health. Abnormally high levels of testosterone in women can lead to a condition called hyperandrogenism, which can cause symptoms such as acne, hair loss, and irregular menstrual cycles. And low testosterone levels in women can cause many symptoms and side effects as well, including loss of energy, decreasing muscle mass, weight gain, and even heart disease.

Fortunately, 100% natural, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (“HRT”) – available at our Austin, TX office – can help restore and balance health estrogen and testosterone levels in women and alleviate many f the symptoms and dangerous side effects of hormone imbalance.

Testosterone Decline in Women

Testosterone levels in women decline gradually over time, starting in the mid-20s. The decline becomes more pronounced as a woman approaches menopause, which usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55. After menopause, the levels of testosterone decrease significantly. This is due to the decrease in production of testosterone by the ovaries and adrenal glands. The decrease in testosterone levels can cause symptoms such as low libido, fatigue, and mood changes.

Prior to menopause, a woman’s ovaries are the principal source of testosterone in her bloodstream. However, after menopause, the ovaries cease to function and no longer produce testosterone. Because a woman still requires testosterone for a range of physical processes and systems, her body begins producing blood testosterone from the hormone DHEA produced by the adrenal glands.

It’s also worth noting that certain medical conditions and medications can also cause a decrease in testosterone levels in women. For example, conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and premature ovarian failure (POF) can affect the production of hormones in the ovaries and lead to decreased testosterone levels. Certain medications, such as glucocorticoids and anti-androgens, can also decrease testosterone levels.

Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Women (That HRT Can Help!)

Low levels of testosterone in women, also called hypoandrogenism, can cause a variety of symptoms. Some common symptoms of low testosterone in women include:

  • Low sex drive or decreased sexual interest
  • Vaginal dryness and painful intercourse
  • Fatigue or lack of energy
  • Decreased muscle mass and strength
  • Depression or mood changes
  • Loss of bone density, leading to osteoporosis
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Irregular menstrual cycles

However, many of these symptoms can also be caused by other conditions, so it’s important to consult with an HRT expert like Dr. Ruthie Harper in Austin, TX to determine the underlying cause of your symptoms to see if HRT is right for you.

It’s also important to note that some women might not experience any symptoms at all, even if they have high or low testosterone levels.

How Testosterone Levels Affect Hair Loss in Women

High testosterone is commonly associated with hair loss or hair thinning in women. Testosterone is converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the body, and DHT can cause hair follicles to shrink, resulting in shorter and finer hair. This can lead to hair loss on the scalp, as well as increased hair growth on other parts of the body, such as the face or chest.

However, hair growth is a complex process that is affected by many factors, including genetics, hormonal changes, and overall health. Therefore, if you’re a woman who is experiencing hair loss or thinning, it’s important to consult with an HRT specialist like Dr. Ruthie Harper in Austin, TX to determine the underlying cause, and to get the appropriate treatment.

Low Testosterone and Weight Gain in Women

Testosterone levels can also affect weight gain in women. Sufficient testosterone levels improve body composition by increasing muscle mass and decreasing fat mass. Women with higher levels of testosterone may have a higher muscle mass and lower body fat percentage, which can contribute to a lower body weight.

Conversely, low levels of testosterone in women can contribute to weight gain. Testosterone helps regulate metabolism, and low levels can lead to decreased muscle mass, which can lead to a slower metabolism, making it more difficult to lose weight.

In many cases, balancing estrogen and testosterone levels with HRT can help women build muscle, as well as stop accumulating unwanted body fat If you’re concerned about unexplained weight gain or loss of muscle mass, an HRT specialist like Dr. Ruthie Harper in Austin, TX can offer personalized blood testing to see if HRT is right for you.

HRT, Testosterone & Heart Disease in Women

A recent groundbreaking study published by Monash University discovered that women over the age of 70 with low testosterone levels are also nearly twice as likely to suffer a cardiac attack.

Women over the age of 70 without a history of cardiovascular disease events had their blood tested for levels of testosterone, DHEA, and estrogen. The findings from the data, according to the researchers, strongly supported the advantages of HRT testosterone replacement for avoiding cardiovascular disease in older women.

Since previous research has shown that testosterone treatment reduces blood pressure and improves blood flow in arteries, it just “makes sense” that older women may be protected against cardiovascular illness by having greater testosterone levels.

HRT Testosterone Therapy | Austin, TX

Often it is hormone decline or imbalance – not just “aging” – that causes women to gain weight, lose hair, have low energy, and lose muscle mass during menopause.  The good news is that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is an easy, effective, and affordable treatment that can reverse many of these symptoms and restore your appearance and your quality of life!

If you are a woman in the Austin, TX area who is experiencing the challenges of perimenopause or menopause, schedule an appointment with Dr. Ruthie Harper to see if 100% natural, bioidentical HRT is the right treatment for you!

HRT Testosterone Therapy | Austin, TX: (512) 343-9355

The Facts About Women’s PRP Hair Loss Treatment

Thinning hair is one of the most troubling cosmetic concerns faced by women. Hair loss can cause a woman to feel self-conscious and unattractive and make her look years older. Unfortunately, approximately 21 million females in the United States suffer from hair loss.

The good news is that there is a wide variety of highly effective hair loss treatments for women, now offered by Dr. Ruthie Harper in Austin, TX. The best women’s hair loss treatment for you will depend upon the underlying cause of your hair loss, as well as how far it has progressed.

PRP (“Platelet Rich Plasma”) is one of our most popular and effective women’s hair loss treatment. This hair restoration procedure is non-surgical, as well as 100% natural. In this article, our Austin, TX women’s hair loss experts discuss the statistics and the clinically proven results of PRP hair loss treatment.

What Is PRP Women’s Hair Loss Treatment?

PRP has been used in sports medicine for more than a decade to stimulate muscle and joint repair. And, by now, most women have also heard of the PRP “Vampire Facial®”.  This cosmetic procedure, made famous by Hollywood celebrities, uses the patient’s own plasma (extracted from their blood) to rejuvenate skin, reduce wrinkles, and reverse other signs of aging.

Now this same natural cellular regeneration process is being used to facilitate women’s hair regrowth. During PRP hair loss treatment, patients undergo a routine blood draw, after which plasma containing high concentrations of natural growth and healing factors is separated from the patient’s blood. This “Platelet Rich Plasma” is then injected into the scalp where it regenerates the hair follicles on a cellular level – “waking up” dormant hair follicles to start producing thicker, stronger, healthier hair shafts.

PRP Hair Loss Treatment Clinical Studies

Several clinical studies on PRP hair loss treatment have been conducted over the last five years. One research study reported in the Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery, found that there was a substantial, visible decrease in hair loss after the study subjects’ injections of PRP. Patients in that study saw an average number of hair follicles per square inch of scalp increase by 30 percent, from 71 hair follicles per cm2 to 93 per cm2.

In another study reported in the March 2019 issue of The Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology’s patients injected with four PRP hair loss treatments saw a substantial increase in percentage of hairs, as well as increased hair count and density. The control group saw no hair increase whatsoever).

Women’s Hair Loss Statistics

Balding or thinning hair is not just a men’s problem. In fact, 40% of hair loss sufferers are women. And the older a person gets, the greater their risk of hair loss. While men’s hair loss starts earlier, but progresses more gradually, women see a later onset but more dramatic hair loss with age.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, forty percent of women have visible hair loss by the time they are 40 years old. And clinical studies have shown that by the age of 60, approximately 80% of all women experience some noticeable degree of hair loss.

But, thanks to PRP hair loss treatment, women of any age can regain the self-confidence that accompanies having a full head of thick hair.

PRP Women’s Hair Loss Treatment vs Other Hair Restoration Methods

Some women attempt to remedy hair loss with a surgical hair transplant. But sadly, a recent clinical study reported that that less than half of all hair transplant patients end up being happy with their results. Additionally, hair transplants can cost up to $20,000. And 90% of hair transplant patients will require two separate surgeries to see optimal results. Additionally, as with any surgery there is risks from anesthetic, as well as pain, scarring, risk of infection, etc. Typically, hair transplant patients must shave their head in the treated area, and then undergo a long recovery period, while their hair grows back.

With PRP women’s hair loss treatment there is no head-shaving, no scarring, and no long recovery period. Because the PRP simply stimulates the body’s own natural hair growth, hair grows in thicker and fuller over time. Unlike hair transplant surgery, no one will know you had anything done – they will just notice that your hair looks fabulous. And PRP treatments literally cost a fraction of what hair transplant surgery costs!

And, while less than 50% of patients are satisfied with their hair transplant results, studies show that patients who are good candidates for PRP hair loss treatment generally report a 90% approval rate!

Minoxidil, Propecia & Pharmaceuticals for Women’s Hair Loss Treatment

Before PRP hair loss treatment became available, topical minoxidil (Rogaine) and oral finasteride (Propecia pills), were the only non-surgical options for treating hair loss. And, in some men and women, these medications can still be highly effective – and may be the right hair restoration choice.

But, both minoxidil and finasteride must be used for the patient’s entire lifetime once they are started, since discontinuation can cause loss of hair that was gained during therapy. Additionally, both medications have mild to serious side effects in some patients.

Finasteride has been known to cause decreased libido, breast swelling and tenderness, headaches, irregular periods, dizziness, and increased body hair in some female patients. Minoxidil has been known to cause facial hair growth, low blood pressure, headaches, and heart palpitations in some women. Additionally, minoxidil has been associated with impaired fetal development, and so it cannot be used by women who are pregnant or women of childbearing age who may become pregnant.

On the other hand, because PRP is derived from the patient’s own blood, it is 100% natural, safe, and free from side-effects or unwanted reactions or complications. It is even typically safe for women who are pregnant or nursing!

Additionally, PRP is not a daily, lifelong commitment like Rogaine or Propecia. After the patient’s course of original treatments – typically 3 or 4 treatments spaced 12 to 14 weeks apart – results can last for up to 5 years.

PRP Women’s Hair Loss Treatment – Austin

PRP women’s hair loss treatment is completely natural, non-surgical, affordable, and highly effective. Austin, TX women who are concerned about hair loss now have a solution that requires no daily medication, no daily application of creams, and no negative side effects or complications.

While every woman’s individual hair loss experience is different, the overwhelmingly positive results seen by people who have undergone PRP hair loss treatment speak for themselves. Dr. Ruthie Harper is a leading Austin, TX leading practitioners of PRP hair loss treatment – offering a safe, cost-effective, and 100% natural solution to women suffering from hair loss.

If you are a woman in the Austin, TX area who is experiencing thinning hair or hair loss, schedule a consultation today to see if PRP hair loss treatment can help you feel more confident and beautiful with fuller, thicker hair.

Women’s Hair Loss Treatment – Austin, TX: (512) 343-9355

PRP Treatments for Natural Healing & AntiAging

PRP is a revolutionary, 100% natural medical treatment that helps the body heal itself – and can reverse many of the effects of aging. PRP stands for “platelet rich plasma”, which can repair joints, restore sexual performance and enjoyment, regrow hair, and improve skin texture and tone for a younger appearance.

Even better, “PRP” works without surgery, without side effects, and without downtime! In this article, Austin, TX integrative medicine specialist Dr. Ruthie Harper explains how this innovative “fountain of youth” treatment works.

What is PRP Treatment?

During PRP treatments, a small vial of the patient’s blood is extracted from their arm, similar to the process of undergoing a routine blood test.  The liquid part of the blood – the plasma – is then separated from the solid red and white blood cells with a centrifuge.

The extracted “platelet rich plasma” (PRP) contains highly concentrated levels of platelets which are the components of the blood that contain the body’s own natural “growth factors”.  The plasma is then injected into the area being treated using a fine syringe.

The History of PRP Treatments

PRP was first used in the early 1980s in maxillofacial surgery patients for its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to stimulate cell regrowth.

However, PRP then became more well-known for its use in treating musculoskeletal and joint injuries in sports medicine. Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant and Alex Rodriguez are just a few of the athletes who have undergone PRP therapy for sports injuries.

Other medical applications of PRP include cardiac surgery, pediatric medicine, urology, plastic surgery, and ophthalmology.

PRP Facials for AntiAging

PRP’s amazing cellular regeneration properties also make it highly effective for rejuvenating skin. PRP “facials” are known for making wrinkles disappear, and improving skin’s evenness, tightness, glow, and youthful appearance. Even better, the incredible PRP facial is a skin rejuvenation treatment that is 100% natural, non-surgical, and comes with no downtime – while taking years off of a person’s appearance.

In fact, the so-called “Vampire Facial®” which was made famous on social media by celebrities and influencers like Kim Kardashian is actually just a trademarked name for a PRP Facial.

Healthy, young skin looks smooth and plump because younger bodies produce high levels of collagen and elastin – which are the building blocks of tight youthful skin.  However, as the skin ages, production of collagen and elastin decreases substantially. This causes facial skin to sag, and wrinkles and fine lines develop.

But the healing properties of PRP stimulate the body to renew production of new collagen and elastin.  This results in thicker, plumper, and tighter skin – reducing lines and wrinkles, and improving overall facial tone and texture. PRP treatments can take ten years or more off of a patient’s appearance!

PRP Treatments for Hair Loss

The same 100% natural PRP cellular regeneration technology used in joint repair and antiaging is also offered by Ruthie Harper, MD in Austin, TX to regrow hair.

During PRP hair loss treatment, after the routine blood draw, the plasma containing high concentrations of natural growth and healing factors is separated from the patient’s blood. The liquid “Platelet Rich Plasma” is then injected into the scalp where it regenerates the hair follicles on a cellular level.

The growth factors in the PRP “wake up” dormant hair follicles to start producing thicker, stronger, healthier hair shafts. Additionally, PRP has been shown to stimulate stem cells to regenerate hair growth.

Additional growth factors may be added to this process, to increase the effectiveness of this treatment. For example, “A-Cell” – a cellular regenerator that activates and recruits stem cells for hair regrowth – can be used with or without PRP.

In addition to PRP treatments for hair loss, Dr. Harper also offers many other hair restoration therapies and treatments.

PRP Treatments for Sexual Health

In women, PRP treatments can also improve sexual sensitivity, tighten the vagina, make intercourse less painful, decrease bladder leaks – and even increase libido!

Feminine PRP injections for sexual health are sometimes called the “O Shot” or “Orgasm Shot”.  PRP has been proven in clinical studies to increase natural vaginal lubrication, and to help women achieve better, more frequent orgasms.

In men, PRP injections into the penis – sometimes called the “P Shot” or “Priapus Shot” – can help men achieve or maintaining firm erections.

The PRP Treatment Process

After a routine blood draw, patients relax while the blood is spun in a centrifuge and the liquid PRP is separated.

To eliminate any potential discomfort, topical anesthetic can be applied to numb the treatment area. So, PRP treatments are a relatively pain-free procedure when used for cellular rejuvenation of the face or hair. Dr. Harper then injects the PRP into the treatment area with a very fine syringe.

For skin rejuvenation patients, more than one PRP Facial may be suggested depending upon the extent of the wrinkles, and the degree of sun damage. Since hair grows in staggered “phases,” PRP Hair restoration patients will need multiple treatments to treat every follicle during the growth stage.

Over the next several weeks, the growth factors in the PRP will continue to stimulate production of new cells. 

No Downtime After PRP Treatment

There is almost no recovery time after PRP treatments and patients can return to work or their daily activities immediately following the procedure. Some slight redness or mild swelling of the skin may occur, but this will diminish in 2 to 3 days or less.

PRP Treatments – Austin, TX

100% natural PRP treatments are a safe and effective choice for Austin, TX patients interested in reversing the effects of aging, repairing acne scarring, treating sun damage, eliminating wrinkles, or regrowing hair.

If you live in the greater Austin, TX area and would like to turn back the clock, schedule a consultation with Dr. Ruthie Harper today.

Menopause Hair Loss Prevention & Treatment

Menopause Hair Loss Prevention & Treatment

Menopause is a natural biological process that is inevitably experienced by all women. As female hormones decline during this time, the body goes through numerous physical changes. But while unpleasant menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, and insomnia will eventually subside – menopause hair loss can last a lifetime.

Fortunately, there are many steps you can take to prevent or minimize hair loss during menopause – as well several revolutionary new treatments that can actually restore hair growth during and after menopause.

Austin, TX menopause expert and hormone specialist Dr. Ruthie Harper offers the most advanced and effective treatments for menopausal women’s hair loss.

What Menopause Hair Loss Looks Like

Women’s hair loss due to the hormonal changes of menopause tend to be subtler and more gradual than the type of hair loss men experience. Most menopausal women experience overall hair thinning rather than distinct visible “bald spots”.  Menopausal hair thinning can occur on the front, sides, or top of the women’s head. Women may also notice that hair falls out in “clumps” when brushing or washing their hair during menopause.

What Cause Menopausal Hair Loss

Clinical research has revealed that hair loss during menopause is usually the result of a hormonal imbalance. The female hormones estrogen and progesterone help hair both grow faster and stay on the head longer. But when the levels of estrogen and progesterone decline during menopause, hair grows more slowly, falls out sooner, and becomes much thinner.

Additionally, the hormonal decrease of menopause also triggers an increase in the production of male hormones called “androgens”. And unfortunately, androgens deliver the double blow of shrink hair follicles on the head and causing more hair to grow on the face.

While the cause of menopausal hair loss is almost always related to hormonal changes, there are also many other factors that can contribute to thinning hair during menopause. High levels of stress, illness, some medications, and nutritional deficiencies can all also contribute to women’s hair loss.

Treating Women’s Menopausal Hair Loss

Seeing a doctor who specializes in menopause and hormone deficiencies, like Dr. Ruthie Harper in Austin, is essential to obtaining an accurate diagnosis and identifying the best hair loss treatment for you. Dr. Ruthie Harper will order diagnostic blood tests – including thyroid tests, and complete blood panels – to identify the specific causes of your hair loss.

Once hair loss expert Dr. Ruthie Harper diagnoses the underlying cause of your hair loss, a customized hair restoration program will be put in place at our Austin, TX office. Dr. Harper offers a wide variety of the safest and most effective hair loss treatments that can help stop menopausal hair loss, as well as regrow full, healthy hair in women.

Low Level Laser (LLL) Menopausal Hair Loss Treatments

State-of-the-art Low Level Laser (LLL) hair loss treatments are available at our Austin, TX office. This device emits low-energy laser light that has been proven in clinical studies to stop hair loss.

FDA approved LLL hair loss treatment works by emitting red light in a specific spectrum that stimulates the body’s natural production of “ATP” (Adenosine Triphosphate). ATP is a molecule that activates the “anagen” or growth phase of the hair follicle.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Menopause Hair Loss Treatment

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a 100% natural cellular regeneration technology that is now available at Ruthie Harper, MD in Austin, TX to regrow hair.

During PRP hair loss treatment, after a routine blood draw, plasma containing high concentrations of natural growth and healing factors is separated from the patient’s own blood. This “Platelet Rich Plasma” is then injected into the scalp where it regenerates the hair follicles on a cellular level.

Hormone Replacement Therapy for Menopause Hair Loss

Modern advancements in hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can restore hormonal balance to women suffering from the hormone decline of menopause. HRT can be very effective in offering long-lasting relief from many of the uncomfortable or embarrassing symptoms of menopause, including hair loss.

After identifying a woman’s unique hormone deficiencies, Dr. Harper can prescribe custom formulated, natural, biodentical hormone replacement. If a woman’s levels of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone are restored, it can help hair grow faster and thicker and stay on the head longer.

Other Treatments for Women’s Hair Loss

Finasteride (Propecia or Proscar) is a topical medication that blocks DHT – the hormone that causes hair follicles to produce thinner, weaker hair. At our Austin, TX office, Dr. Harper offers a specially compounded formula of Finasteride called FinPlus that contains added ingredients to boost hair growth, including:  biotin, saw palmetto, horsetail, nettle astragalus, poria cocos, and rehmannia.

Depending upon the underlying cause of a menopausal women’s hair thinning, certain dietary supplements may also help stop hair loss, as well as support hair regrowth. Since supplements are very specific to certain types of dietary deficiencies, Dr. Harper will use the patient’s bloodwork to identify any deficiencies before prescribing a custom supplement regimen.

Menopausal Women’s Hair Loss Treatment – Austin, TX

Ruthie Harper MD has been helping menopausal women in the Austin, TX area reverse hair loss and regrow healthy hair since 2000. She takes a thorough diagnostic approach to finding the cause of a woman’s hair loss, so she can prescribe the most effective treatment(s) to restore a healthy, beautiful head of hair.

At Ruthie Harper MD in Austin, TX we offer the latest treatments and technologies to create a customized hair loss and regrowth program specifically for you, that will stop your hair loss and restore thick, full, healthy hair.

Women’s Hair Loss Consultation – Austin, TX: (512)343-9355

Treatments for COVID-19 Related Hair Loss

As if the coronavirus pandemic wasn’t frustrating enough, experts are now adding hair loss to the list of long-term effects of the quarantine. Both people who have had COVID-19, as well as individuals who did not suffer from the coronavirus are now reporting increased hair loss.

Many physicians who have treated men and women who were infected with Coronavirus (COVID 19) have reported hair loss as a common side-effect. But, somewhat surprisingly, doctors are also seeing a roughly 30% increase in hair loss – due to stress and other factors – in people who have not been attacked by COVID-19.

In this article Austin, TX hair loss expert Dr. Ruthie Harper discusses how COVID-19, stress, and other factors are causing hair loss during the pandemic. And, she explains how new, state-of-the-art hair loss treatments can reverse this hair loss and regrow thicker, more beautiful hair!

Hair Loss from Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection

Any serious illness causes a lot of stress on the system, and COVID-19 is no exception. And, when the body is stressed by disease, it often channels blood flow and nutrients away from hair follicles – in order to use these resources for immunity and healing rather than for hair growth.

But, as the blood and nutrients stop reaching the hair follicles – due to COVID-19 or other illness – the follicles begin to die, and the hair shafts fall out. This type of “shedding” is a medical condition known as telogen effluvium or “TE”.

The average person can shed up to 100 hairs per day under normal circumstances. But, if hair loss exceeds this amount it is categorized as telogen effluvium, according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD).

Fortunately, telogen effluvium hair loss is typically temporary – although it can take up to nine months for hair to begin re-growing. And, as with many aspects of the new coronavirus, the long-term effects of COVID-19 induced hair loss are not yet known.

Hair Loss form Coronavirus Stress

Additionally, many other people have been suffering from increased hair loss during the pandemic, even though they have not contracted the coronavirus.  This is no surprise to hair loss experts like Dr. Ruthie Harper who already know that stress can dramatically exacerbate existing hair loss, and lead to new hair loss in healthy individuals.

So, if you’re suddenly finding more hairs on your pillow, or in your shower drain, the anxiety caused by COVID-19 may be the cause. In fact, there are multiple types of hair loss that are commonly associated with high stress levels.

Telogen Effluvium Hair Loss from COVID-19 Anxiety

Just as physical illness can divert nutrients and blood from the hair follicles, mental or psychological stress can similarly lead to telogen effluvium (TE) hair loss.  

Often seen during pregnancy, TE hair loss is also common during prolonged periods of high anxiety – such as the current COVID-19 pandemic – causing hair follicles to become dormant. The good news is that once the source of the stress is alleviated, TE hair loss typically reverses and the follicles return to the active hair growth phase.

Alopecia Areata Hair Loss from COVID-19 Stress

Alopecia areata is a type of hair loss in which the body’s immune system attacks its own hair follicles. Alopecia Areata is typically identified by one or more circular patches of hair loss, which sometimes overlap.

Clinical studies have shown that Alopecia Areata can be triggered or aggravated by severe stress. And, unfortunately, Alopecia Areata is more serious than TE, and does not generally reverse itself after the stress has subsided.

However, the state-of-the-art hair loss treatments we offer at Ruthie Harper MD in Austin, TX have shown great promise in treating Alopecia Areata.

Male Pattern Baldness Aggravated by COVID-19 Stress

The most common type of hair loss is “male/female pattern hair loss” – also medically known as Androgenetic Alopecia.  And, while male/female pattern baldness is typically hereditary, and not caused by stress or disease, scientific evidence has revealed that stress can accelerate Androgenetic Alopecia.

Additionally, hormones also are known to play a role in male/female pattern baldness – especially the male sex hormone called DHT. And when a man or woman experiences undue stress or anxiety, it can drive their body to produce more androgens (including DHT) – resulting in increased hair loss.

Fortunately, Austin, TX hair loss specialist Dr. Ruthie Harper offers highly effective, state-of-the-art treatments for many types of hair loss. These hair restoration procedures can treat shedding due to telogen effluvium, Alopecia Areata, and Androgenetic Alopecia – whether caused by coronavirus infection, another disease, or stress.

Treating Coronavirus & Stress Related Hair Loss

The different types and causes of hair loss are varied and complex. So, the best course of action is always starting with a consultation with a hair loss expert like Dr. Ruthie Harper in Austin, TX. She can examine and identify your individual type and cause of hair loss – so that the best hair loss treatment(s) for you can be prescribed.

Topical treatments for hair loss include Minoxidil (Rogaine), as well as Finasteride (Propecia or Proscar) which block DHT production. And, oral medications with similar effects can also be prescribed, including Spironolactone / Aldactone and Progesterone – which also block the production of the DHT that that causes hair follicles to produce thinner, weaker hair follicles.

Depending upon the underlying cause of your hair loss, certain dietary supplements may also help arrest hair shedding, as well as support new, healthy hair regrowth. Patients can undergo blood-work at our Austin, TX office to identify the specific types of dietary deficiencies they are experiencing, in order to start on the appropriate supplement regimen. 

Low Level Laser (LLL) treatment is a state-of-the-art device that emits low-energy laser light to stop hair loss, as well as stimulate hair regrowth in both men and women. This treatment works by emitting red light in a specific spectrum frequency that stimulates the body’s natural production of “ATP”, activating the “anagen” or growth phase of the hair follicles.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) – extracted from the patient’s own blood – has been used in sports medicine and orthopedics for over a decade to regenerate joints. Now this same, 100% natural cellular regeneration technology is available at Ruthie Harper, MD in Austin, TX to regrow hair. Concentrated “growth factors” contained in the PRP “wake up” dormant hair follicles, and they once again start producing thicker, stronger, healthier hair shafts.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Hair Loss Treatments – Austin, TX

If you have noticed that you are losing more hair, or that your hair is thinning, Dr. Ruthie Harper MD in Austin, TX can help. Whether your hair loss is sudden, due to COVID-19 infection or coronavirus stress, or has been occurring slowly over time, she can determine the cause and prescribe the best treatment.

As with any medical condition, the sooner hair loss is diagnosed, addressed and treated, the better the results.

We know there are many stresses associated with the COVID-19 pandemic – but hair loss does not have to be one of them. If you live in the greater Austin, TX area, call Dr. Harper today to schedule a hair loss consultation.

Hair Loss Treatments – Austin, TX: (512)343-9355

Why is My Hair Falling Out? Causes of Female Hair Loss

Causes of Female Hair Loss

Although baldness is usually thought of as a men’s issue, more than 50% of women will experience significant hair loss or thinning at some point in their life. For women, hair loss can be an especially great source of embarrassment and concern that undermines self-confidence.

Fortunately, there are a wide variety of safe and effective treatments that can help stop hair loss and/or regrow full, healthy hair in women. But the first step involved in choosing a hair restoration treatment is identifying the woman’s underlying causes of hair loss.

Finding the cause of female hair loss is a complicated problem, because there are more than 50 different factors that can affect thinning hair. Basically, these factors can be broken down into one of four categories: hereditary, medical, pharmaceutical or environmental factors.

Through expert medical examination by Dr. Ruthie Harper in our Austin, TX office, we can typically identify the cause of a patient’s hair loss – so that we can offer the most successful hair regrowth treatments customized for them. the great news is that, in most cases, once the underlying cause of hair loss is correctly identified and properly treated, a woman’s hair will hair will grow back.

Hereditary Causes of Female Hair Loss

Female Pattern Hair Loss

Androgenetic Alopecia is a hereditary condition that affects about 30 million American women. Although it can occur at any time, it is most common in a woman’s late 50s or 60s. Normally when a hair is shed it will be replaced by a hair of equal size. But in Female Pattern Baldness the new hair grows back finer and thinner, and eventually the follicle may stop making hair altogether.

Autoimmune Female Hair Loss

Alopecia Areata is another type of female hair loss thought to be hereditary. In this upsetting condition, the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks healthy hair follicles – causing the hair to fall out in patches. Fortunately, this type of female hair loss is typically not permanent – and the missing patches usually grow back in six months to a year.

Hormonal Causes of Female Hair Loss

Thyroid Disease and Female Hair Loss

Healthy thyroid hormone levels effect almost every function of the body – including healthy hair growth. As one of the “Top 10 Thyroid Doctors in Texas,” Dr. Ruthie Harper will perform complete testing for the optimal thyroid functions that are necessary for healthy hair.

PCOS and Female Hair Loss

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome – or PCOS – is another condition that causes a woman’s body to make excess levels of male hormones. These “androgens” can cause unwanted hair to grow on the face and body, while causing hair on the scalp to become thinner.

Pregnancy and Hair Loss

The hormonal changes of pregnancy can keep resting hairs from falling out as they normally would, and then suddenly fall out at an alarming rate after childbirth. Called Telogen Effluvium, this type of female hair loss may take up to two years to return to normal. But with hair restoration treatment in our Austin, TX office, hair can grow back much faster.

Menopause and Female Hair Loss

The hormonal changes that occur due to menopause are also often the cause of female hair loss.  Changes in estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels can result in the loss of healthy hairs, as well as slow down the rate of new hair growth.

Other Medical Causes of Female Hair Loss

Anemia and Female Hair Loss

Many women experiencing thinning hair or hair loss have an iron deficiency. For these women, iron supplementation typically stops hair loss and hair regrows normally. But taking iron supplements when not needed can lead to a dangerous iron overload that can damage the liver and other organs.So blood work should be done in our Austin, TX office before starting iron supplements.

Fungal Infections and Female Hair Loss

Ringworm is a contagious fungal infection that can trigger hair loss that occurs in itchy, round patches. Anti-fungal medication can treat ringworm and arrest this type of hair loss.

Lifestyle, Environmental and Female Hair Loss

Medications Can Cause Female Hair Loss

Hair loss can be a side effect of birth control pills, as well as other medications including blood thinners, and certain high blood pressure, heart disease, arthritis, and depression medications. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy to treat cancer can also damage hair follicles, triggering dramatic hair loss.

Dieting Can Cause Female Hair Loss

Many women notice hair loss 3 to 6 months after losing more than 15 pounds or more. This is typically the result of consuming insufficient amounts of the foods, vitamins and minerals that are critical for hair health.

Hair Styling and Female Hair Loss

Traction Alopecia refers to hair loss caused by damage to the follicles from extensions, cornrows, tight ponytails, tight rollers, etc.  Frequent or harsh hair dyes, chemical treatments, blow drying, or straightening can also result in damage, breakage and hair loss.

Stress and Female Hair Loss

Additionally, extreme physical or emotional stress can cause the condition called Telogen Effluvium, in which hair follicles stop growing, lie dormant and fall out within two to three months. Anything that causes extreme physical or mental stress to the body including illness, surgery, an accident – as well as a loss or psychological trauma – can trigger hair loss in women. Hair growth is typically restored within 6 to 9 months, or faster with proper treatment.

Find Out Why Your Hair is Falling Out – Austin, TX

Don’t just “guess” why your hair falling out! With a thorough examination and blood work in our Austin, TX office, Dr. Ruthie Harper can identify the underlying cause of your thinning hair, so that the right hair restoration treatments can be recommended.

Ruthie Harper MD has been helping women in the Austin, TX area resolve their hair loss problems since 2000. She takes a thorough and scientific diagnostic approach to finding the cause of your female hair loss, so she can prescribe the most effective treatment(s) to restore a healthy, beautiful head of hair for you.

At Ruthie Harper, MD in Austin, TX we are experienced in addressing the many causes of female hair loss. We offer the latest treatments and technologies to create a customized hair loss and regrowth program specifically for you that will restore full, thick hair.

Female Hair Loss Consultation – Austin, TX: (512)343-9355

What are the Best Women’s Hair Loss Treatments?

Best Women’s Hair Loss Treatments

For a woman, hair loss can be a source of great embarrassment that can undermine her self-esteem and self-confidence. But, unfortunately, more than 50% of women will experience significant hair loss or thinning at some point in their life.

The good news is that we offer a wide variety of safe and effective treatments in our Austin, TX office that can help stop hair loss and/or regrow full, healthy hair in women. Of course, the first step involved in choosing a women’s hair restoration treatment is identifying the underlying causes of hair loss, through thorough examination and diagnosis.

Once Austin, TX women’s hair loss expert Dr. Ruthie Harper diagnoses the cause of your hair loss, a customized hair restoration program will be put in place that is personalized just for you – with one or several of the following treatments.

Non-Invasive Women’s Hair Loss Treatments

For many years, expensive, tedious and painful hair transplant surgery was the only way to restore thinning hair. But innovative new technologies can now regrow women’s hair naturally and effectively, without painful and expensive surgery.

Low Level Laser (LLL) Women’s Hair Loss Treatments

State-of-the-art devices that emit low-energy laser light have been shown in clinical studies to stop hair loss, as well as stimulate hair regrowth in both men and women. These FDA approved laser devices offer the best results when treatments are scheduled regularly over a 2 to 4 month period.

This hair loss treatment works by emitting red light in a specific spectrum (630-670 NM) that stimulates the body’s natural production of “ATP” (Adenosine Triphosphate). ATP is a molecule that activates the “anagen” or growth phase of the hair follicle. The Low Level Laser Light also decreases inflammation and increases blood supply in the scalp area – further facilitating the regrowth of healthy hair.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Women’s Hair Loss Treatment

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) has been used in sports medicine and orthopedics for over a decade to regenerate joints. Now this same, 100% natural cellular regeneration technology is available at Ruthie Harper, MD in Austin, TX to regrow hair.

During PRP hair loss treatment, after a routine blood draw, plasma containing high concentrations of natural growth and healing factors is separated from the patient’s own blood. This “Platelet Rich Plasma” is then injected into the scalp where it regenerates the hair follicles on a cellular level. the growth factors in the PRP “wake up” dormant hair follicles to start producing thicker, stronger, healthier hair shafts. Additionally, PRP has been shown to stimulate stem cells to regenerate hair.

The PRP may be injected into targeted areas of hair loss via syringe, or applied over a greater area using microneedling. During microneedling a small handheld device is used to create thousands of precise, microscopic channels in the scalp, through which the PRP can be absorbed.

Additional growth factors may be added to this process, to increase the effectiveness of this treatment. For example, “A-Cell” – a cellular regenerator that activates and recruits stem cells for hair regrowth – can be used with or without PRP.

Topical Treatments for Women’s Hair Loss

Minoxidil for Women’s Hair Loss

Minoxidil (brand name Rogaine) has been approved by the FDA to treat female pattern hair loss. However, Minoxidil must be used forever, since discontinuation will lead to the loss of the hair that was gained during treatment. Additionally, Minoxidil cannot be used during pregnancy or by patients with certain underlying medical conditions including vascular or coronary artery disease, hypertension, and psoriasis, eczema, cellulite, dermatitis, and other skin conditions.

Finasteride for Women’s Hair Loss

Finasteride (brand name Propecia or Proscar ) is a topical medication that blocks DHT – the hormone that causes hair follicles to produce thinner, weaker hair. At our Austin, TX office, Dr. Harper uses a specially compounded formula of Finasteride called FinPlus that contains added ingredients that boost the effectiveness of this medication, including:  biotin, saw palmetto, horsetail, nettle astragalus, poria cocos, and rehmannia.

Like Minoxidil, Finasteride must be used forever since discontinuation can lead to loss of hair that was gained during therapy. Though results can be dramatic, it may take as long as 6 months to notice benefits with FinPlus. Known side effects of finasteride are primarily in men, and usually can be avoided in women when a lower 1 mg dose is used to treat women’s hair loss.

Medications for Women’s Hair Loss

Spironolactone / Aldactone for Women’s Hair Loss

DHT is the hormone that causes hair follicles to produce thinner, weaker hair follicles. This medication blocks the hormone (androgen) production that can increase DHT levels. This medication is commonly used for women with hair loss due to Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).

Progesterone for Women’s Hair Loss

When orally administered, the hormone Progesterone also blocks production of the androgen DHT that that causes hair follicles to produce thinner, weaker hair follicles.

Supplements for Women’s Hair Loss

Depending upon the underlying cause of women’s hair loss, certain dietary supplements may help stop hair loss, as well as support hair regrowth. Since these are very specific to certain types of dietary deficiencies, patients should always undergo blood-work at our Austin, TX office before starting on a supplement regimen.  Taking too much of a wrong or unneeded supplement can be dangerous!

Certain women’s hair loss supplements that may be prescribed include:

Iron Supplements – can be used to treat hair loss due to iron deficiency / anemia. Eating foods that are high in iron, including lean red meat, dried fruit, broccoli, egg yolks, lentils, spinach, and chicken can also be beneficial.

Vitamin C – can help the body absorb iron in patients with hair loss due to iron deficiency.

Vitamin D with Vitamin K – these nutrients are important for hair growth. And the Vitamin K helps keep calcium in the bones when taking Vitamin D. But, remember, high levels of Vitamin D can be toxic. Vitamin D can be also be found in foods such as salmon, mushrooms and whole grains.

Glutathione – this critical antioxidant stops oxidative stress and calms autoimmune inflammation that can contribute to hair loss.

Biotin – necessary for the production and maintenance of healthy hair, Biotin also thickens hair fibers and decreases shedding. Biotin can also be found in foods such as egg yolks, liver, rice, and milk.

Zinc, Multivitamin with Vitamins A, E, B complex and Omega-3 and 6’s – these may also be prescribed, depending upon what the patient’s blood-work reveals. Zinc can also be found in foods such as lamb, turkey, pumpkin seeds and chocolate. And, B vitamins can be found in many foods, including grains, eggs, and avocados.

Other nutrients such as Melatonin, Gingko (antioxidant), Saw palmetto (fatty acid oils and sterols), l-Lysine, and l-arginine may also be recommended to support healthy hair regrowth and prevent hair loss in women.

Women’s Hair Loss Treatment – Austin, TX

Ruthie Harper MD has been helping women in the Austin, TX area reverse hair loss and regrow healthy hair since 2000. She takes a thorough diagnostic approach to finding the cause of a woman’s hair loss, so she can prescribe the most effective treatment(s) to restore a healthy, beautiful head of hair.

At Ruthie Harper MD in Austin, TX we offer the latest treatments and technologies to create a customized hair loss and regrowth program specifically for you, that will stop your hair loss and restore thick, full, healthy hair.

Women’s Hair Loss Consultation – Austin, TX: (512)343-9355