
Could Your Menopause Symptoms Actually be Graves’ Disease?

If you are suffering from fatigue, mood swings, weight changes, irregular menstrual cycles, and other common symptoms of menopause, you may actually be a victim of Grave’s Disease.

Grave’s disease is an autoimmune disorder that affects the thyroid gland, leading to an overproduction of thyroid hormones. This condition can cause a variety of symptoms that may be similar to other medical conditions – so it is often mistaken for conditions like menopause or other hormonal imbalances.

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Graves’ disease affects nearly 1 in 100 Americans, or about 5.7 million people. It is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism in the United States, accounting for about 4 out of 5 cases.

In this article thyroid specialist and integrative medicine doctor Ruthie Harper, MD in Austin TX explains the overlap between menopause and Grave’s disease – and explains how you can tell what is causing your symptoms.

Who Gets Grave’s Disease?

Grave’s disease is more common in women than men. The disease typically affects people between the ages of 20 and 50, but it can also occur at any age. Because this age and gender range overlaps with that of menopause, healthcare providers may mistakenly diagnose menopause as the primary cause of symptoms in women approaching their 40s, overlooking the possibility of Grave’s disease.

What Are the Symptoms of Grave’s Disease?

The thyroid is an essential gland that influences almost every function of the body – from reproduction to weight gain, to mood. So, when the body has a disease of the thyroid, such as Grave’s disease, it can cause a wide range of symptoms.

Grave’s disease can cause mood issues and psychological symptoms, including anxiety, irritability, and depression, which are also associated with menopause. These psychological symptoms can further complicate the diagnostic process, as they can be attributed to a wide range of various other factors.

Hyperthyroidism related symptoms of Grave’s disease can include weight loss, increased appetite, rapid or irregular heartbeat (palpitations), and even tremors. While eye-related symptoms may include bulging eyes (exophthalmos), dry or gritty sensation in the eyes, redness, double vision, light sensitivity, and eye pain or pressure.

Some individuals with Graves’ disease may experience skin problems such as swelling or thickening on the front of the lower legs (pretibial myxedema) or a red, raised rash on the shins known as Graves’ dermopathy.

Is It Menopause of Grave’s Disease?

Grave’s disease may also cause many symptoms that overlap with menopause including mood swings, heat intolerance, excessive sweating, and difficulty sleeping. Grave’s disease can also cause irregular or heavy menstrual periods, which can be mistaken as PCOS in younger women and menopause in older women.

Without proper diagnosis, it can be challenging to differentiate between these conditions. As a result, many physicians miss Grave’s disease and simple prescribe menopause treatments – such as estrogen therapy – without doing a full diagnosis.

How to Diagnose Grave’s Disease

To accurately diagnose Grave’s disease, a thyroid specialist like Dr. Ruthie Harper in Austin, TX will perform a thorough medical history review that looks at the ‘big picture,” a physical examination, and order very specific tests. Blood tests that measure levels of thyroid hormones (such as T3 and T4) and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) can help identify the excess production of thyroid hormones associated with Grave’s disease.

In some cases, additional imaging studies or specialized tests, like a thyroid ultrasound or radioactive iodine uptake scan, may be necessary. Radioactive iodine uptake (RAIU) tests measure how much radioactive iodine the thyroid gland absorbs, providing information about its function. Ultrasound or scintigraphy may be performed to evaluate the size, shape, and structure of the thyroid gland.

What Causes Grave’s Disease?

Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disorder – meaning that the patient’s own body mistakes one of its own parts as a foreign invader an attacks it. Like many autoimmune diseases, the exact cause of Graves’ disease is not fully understood. However, it is believed to result from a combination of genetic, environmental, and immunological factors.

Certain risk factors, such as family history of autoimmune disorders, smoking, and high iodine levels, may also increase the likelihood of developing Grave’s disease. Additionally, some recent clinical studies suggest that infections or stress may trigger the onset of Graves’ disease in individuals with a genetic predisposition.

This comes as no surprise to integrative medicine doctors like Dr. Ruthie Harper in Austin, TX who know that diet, stress, and other lifestyle factors contribute to many chronic conditions and diseases.

How Grave’s Disease is Treated

Grave’s disease should always be treated by a thyroid specialist like Dr. Ruthie Harper in Austin, TX. While treatment options for Graves’ disease are aimed at restoring thyroid hormone levels to normal, many physicians will just throw a one-size-fits-all thyroid prescription at the patient.

However, the best choice of treatment should be customized to each patients test results, age, overall health, severity of symptoms, and personal preferences. Dr. Ruthie Harper in Austin, TX provides a comprehensive approach that may combine antithyroid medications, iodine therapy, lifestyle adjustments – and in rare but extreme cases thyroid surgery.

Radioactive iodine therapy should be used extremely sparingly as a last resort. This treatment involves taking a radioactive iodine capsule or liquid that is selectively absorbed by the thyroid gland, leading to the destruction of thyroid cells. Over time, this treatment typically results in hypothyroidism, which then needs to be managed with thyroid hormone replacement therapy.

In other extreme cases, surgical removal of all or a part of the thyroid gland may be recommended, particularly if there are large goiters, or severe eye complications. However, other treatment options should be exhausted first to avoid destruction of the thyroid or invasive surgery if possible.

Grave’s Disease Doctor | Austin, TX

If you are a woman over 40 who is suffering from symptoms that are interfering with your enjoyment of life, it may be menopause – but it may also be Grave’s disease! Integrative medicine thyroid specialist Dr. Ruthie Harper in Austin, TX will conduct a comprehensive evaluation to diagnose and differentiate between conditions like Grave’s disease and menopause. Then she will put in place a customized treatment and management plan that is individualized for you and your symptoms – so you can stop suffering and get your quality of life back!

Grave’s Disease Doctor | Austin, TX: (512) 343-9355


Advantages of a Thread Lift Over a Face Lift

As people age, the skin on their face begins to lose its elasticity and can result in sagging, wrinkles, and a tired appearance. Many people turn to cosmetic procedures to combat these signs of aging, with facelifts being one of the most popular options.

However, facelifts are invasive procedures that are very expensive, require anesthesia, and can lead to significant pain and prolonged downtime. But in recent years, a new non-invasive option called the thread lift has emerged.

Dr. Ruthie Harper, MD in Austin, TX offers the revolutionary new MINT™ thread lift. This minimally-invasive anti-aging treatment offers many of the same benefits of a surgical facelift – without the expense, pain, complications, and long recovery period of surgery.

In this article, Dr. Ruthie Harper, MD will discuss the benefits of a thread lift over a surgical facelift.

What is a Thread Lift?

A thread lift is a non-surgical procedure that uses a dissolvable suture material made of sugar to lift and tighten sagging skin. During the procedure, threads are inserted under the skin, which are then pulled to lift and tighten the skin. The threads are then anchored in place, and the excess thread is trimmed away. The entire procedure can be completed in under an hour, and there is minimal downtime.

Benefits of a Thread Lift Over a Facelift

1. Thread Lifts are Non-Invasive: A thread lift is a non-invasive procedure, while a facelift is an invasive surgical procedure that requires general anesthesia. The risks associated with general anesthesia are higher than those associated with a thread lift.

2. Thread Lifts are Non-Surgical Procedure: A thread lift is a non-surgical procedure, which means there is no anesthesia required, and the risk of complications is significantly reduced. The procedure is minimally invasive, and there is minimal pain or discomfort during the procedure.

3. No Downtime with Thread Lifts: A thread lift requires minimal downtime, and most people can return to their regular activities immediately after the procedure. There may be some swelling or bruising in the days following the procedure, but this usually subsides within a few days.

4. Thread Lifts Offer Natural Looking Results: A thread lift provides natural-looking results that can last up to two years. The threads used in the procedure are made of biodegradable sugar material that is naturally absorbed by the body over time. As the threads dissolve, collagen is left behind and the skin is left looking firmer and tighter.

5. Thread Lifts are Less Expensive: A thread lift is a less expensive option than a traditional facelift. The cost of a thread lift can vary depending on the number of threads required, but it is generally less expensive than a facelift.

6. Thread Lifts are Customizable: A thread lift is a customizable procedure that can be tailored to meet the needs of each patient. The number of threads used can be adjusted to provide the desired level of lift and tightening, and the procedure can be performed on specific areas of the face or the entire face.

7. Thread Lifts are Very Low Risk: A thread lift is a low-risk procedure, and the risk of complications is minimal. Some people may experience minor bruising or swelling after the procedure, but these typically subside within a few days.

MINT™ Non-Surgical Thread Lifts | Austin, TX

Dr. Ruthie Harper, MD in Austin, TX offers the revolutionary new MINT™ thread lift. This minimally-invasive anti-aging treatment offers many of the same benefits of a surgical facelift – without the expense, pain, complications, and long recovery period of surgery.

If you would like to look like a younger, healthier version of yourself, schedule a consultation with Dr. Ruthie Harper, MD in Austin, TX to see how a minimally-invasive MINT™ thread lift can turn-back the-clock and help you look as young on the outside as you feel on the inside!

MINT™ PDO Thread Lifts – Austin TX: (512) 343-9355


New Help Losing Weight After Menopause

Any woman over fifty already knows that as women age and enter menopause, weight loss becomes increasingly difficult. Hormonal changes, slowed metabolism, and decreased physical activity can all contribute to weight gain and difficulty in shedding extra pounds. The added pounds can be frustrating, embarrassing, and significantly affect a woman’s health, self-esteem, and quality of life.

However, new breakthroughs in weight loss for post-menopausal women have recently emerged, offering new hope for those looking to improve their health and lose weight!

In this article, Dr. Ruthie Harper, MD in Austin, TX explains the new technologies available to help post-menopausal women lose weight, so that they can look and feel their best at any age.

How Mitochondria Affect Weight Loss

One of the most promising new breakthroughs in female weight loss is the evaluation of mitochondrial health after menopause.

Mitochondria are the powerhouses of our cells, responsible for producing energy in the form of ATP through the process of cellular respiration. In lay person terms, Mitochondria are tiny organs inside our cells that make the energy our cells need to function. They do this by breaking down food molecules and using the energy to create a molecule called ATP.

ATP stands for adenosine triphosphate. It is a molecule that cells use to store and release energy. ATP is like a battery that cells can use to power their activities. The average cell contains about 100,000 ATP molecules. ATP is a vital molecule for life. Without ATP, cells would not be able to function.

Mitochondria & Weight Loss After Menopause

Since the mitochondria regulate energy use (burning calories), evaluating mitochondrial function can be a useful tool in understanding the root causes of weight gain and difficulty in losing weight.

Mitochondrial dysfunction – poorly functioning mitochondria – has been linked to metabolic disorders, insulin resistance, and obesity.

Here are some ways in which evaluating mitochondrial function can help with weight loss:

1. Identifying underlying health issues: Mitochondrial dysfunction is associated with a range of health issues, including metabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes and obesity. Evaluating mitochondrial function can help identify if there are underlying health issues that may be contributing to weight gain and difficulty in losing weight.

2. Understanding energy metabolism: Mitochondrial function is essential for energy metabolism and fat oxidation. By evaluating mitochondrial function, we can gain insight into how well our bodies are able to convert food into energy, which is essential for weight loss.

3. Targeting treatments: Understanding mitochondrial function can help identify potential targets for interventions that can improve weight loss outcomes. For example, research has shown that targeting mitochondrial function through exercise and diet interventions can improve metabolic health and aid in weight loss.

4. Personalizing weight loss plans: Evaluating mitochondrial function can help personalize weight loss plans by identifying individual differences in metabolic function. This information can then be used to tailor interventions to the individual’s specific needs, which can lead to more effective weight loss outcomes.

5. Monitoring progress: Monitoring mitochondrial function can be a useful tool for tracking progress in weight loss efforts. Improvements in mitochondrial function can be an indicator of improved metabolic health and weight loss success.

Hormone Therapy for Weight Loss After Menopause

Another breakthrough in weight loss for post-menopausal women is the use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Hormone replacement therapy is a treatment that involves replacing the hormones that are lost during menopause. HRT has been shown to help women lose weight and improve their body composition.

In a study conducted by the University of Pittsburgh, women who received HRT lost significantly more body fat than those who did not receive HRT. The study also found that HRT improved bone density and reduced the risk of osteoporosis, a condition that is common in post-menopausal women.

Exercise for Weight Loss After Menopause

In addition to mitochondrial health and HRT, exercise has also been shown to be a key component in weight loss for post-menopausal women. Exercise can help women build muscle mass, which can help increase metabolism and burn more calories. Studies have also shown that exercise can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation, which can lead to improved overall health.

A study conducted by the University of Alabama found that post-menopausal women who exercised regularly lost more body fat and had a higher percentage of lean muscle mass than those who did not exercise.

Menopause Weight Loss Doctor | Austin, TX

Weight loss can be an extremely challenging and frustrating journey for post-menopausal women. However, with the right approach, it is possible to achieve success and improve overall health.

Dr. Ruthie Harper, MD in Austin, TX explains offers the newest technologies and treatments available to help post-menopausal women lose weight, so that they can look and feel their best at any age!

If you are a post-menopausal woman who is struggling to lose weight, schedule an appointment with Dr. Ruthie Harper, MD in Austin, TX. She will help you take control of your weight loss journey and achieve long-lasting success.

Menopause Weight Loss Doctor | Austin, TX: (512) 343-9355


Ozempic & Wegovy Semaglutide Medications for Weight Loss

By now everyone has heard about the amazing new weight loss medications Ozempic and Wegovy. But many people don’t quite know how they work to help men and women rapidly lose weight – without restrictive diets and excessive exercising.

The active ingredient in both Ozempic and Wegovy is actually a substance called semaglutide that imitates natural weight regulation mechanisms in the human body.

In this article, integrative medicine doctor and weight loss specialist Dr. Ruthie Harper, MD in Austin, TX explains this amazing new weight loss technology, and discusses how semaglutide can help women and men lose weight, so that they can look and feel their best!

How Semaglutide Causes Weight Loss

Semaglutide is a medication that was previously developed for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, but it has also been found to have a significant effect on weight loss. So, after a lengthy period semaglutide was also approved by the FDA as a weight loss medication, under the brand name Wegovy. Additionally, physicians started using semaglutide in a form called Ozempic to help with weight loss.

Semaglutide is a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist, which means that it activates the GLP-1 receptor in the body. The GLP-1 receptor is responsible for regulating appetite, glucose metabolism, and insulin secretion. When semaglutide is administered, it activates the GLP-1 receptor in the brain, which leads to a decrease in appetite and food intake.

In lay person terms, semaglutide activates certain brain regions that control hunger and fullness. Additionally, semaglutide slows down the emptying of food from the stomach, which can lead to reduced hunger, so that patients eat much less.

In addition to its effects on appetite and food intake, semaglutide also has a positive impact on stimulating metabolism – causing more calories to be burned.

Semaglutide also increases insulin sensitivity, which can help to regulate blood glucose levels and prevent insulin resistance. This effect can also lead to weight loss, as insulin resistance is a common cause of weight gain and difficulty losing weight.

Clinical Trials on Ozempic, Wegovy Semaglutide for Weight Loss

Several clinical trials have been conducted to test the effectiveness of semaglutide for weight loss. One such trial, called the STEP 1 trial, involved 1,961 adults with obesity or overweight who did not have diabetes. Participants were randomly assigned to receive either semaglutide or a placebo injection once a week for 68 weeks, in addition to lifestyle interventions such as diet and exercise.

The results of the trial were impressive: participants who received semaglutide lost an average of 15% of their body weight, compared to just 2.4% in the placebo group. Additionally, a significantly greater proportion of participants in the semaglutide group achieved weight loss of 5% or more (86.4% vs. 31.5% in the placebo group) and 10% or more (69.1% vs. 12.0% in the placebo group).

Other trials have also shown the efficacy of semaglutide for weight loss, including in people with diabetes. For example, the SUSTAIN 6 trial showed that semaglutide led to weight loss in people with type 2 diabetes who were at high risk of cardiovascular events. In this trial, participants who received semaglutide lost an average of 3.7 kg (8.2 lbs), compared to an average gain of 1.9 kg (4.2 lbs) in the placebo group.

Other Benefits of Semaglutide for Weight Loss

Semaglutide weight loss is about much more than just “looking good”. Semaglutide medications have also been shown to have a positive impact on other health markers, such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and markers of inflammation. In the STEP 1 trial mentioned earlier, participants who received semaglutide also saw improvements in these markers compared to the placebo group.

Semaglutide Weight Loss Medications (Ozempic, Wegovy) | Austin, TX

Because there are some potential risks and side effects associated with semaglutide it should only be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional – like weight loss specialist Dr. Ruthie Harper, MD in Austin, TX – as part of a comprehensive weight loss program that includes diet and exercise.

When used correctly under medical supervision the combination of reduced appetite, increased fullness, and improved metabolism make semaglutide an effective medication for weight loss. If you live in the Austin, TX area and have been struggling to lose weight, schedule an appointment with integrative medicine Ruthie Harper, MD to discuss semaglutide today.

Semaglutide Weight Loss Medications (Ozempic, Wegovy) | Austin, TX: (512) 343-9355


How PRP Therapy Treats Female Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common problem that affects millions of women. Female hair loss is caused by a variety of factors – but genetics is the primary cause. The hormone decline of menopause, pregnancy, stress, and certain medications are also culprits behind female hair loss.

Female hair loss can be particularly distressing, as it can have a significant impact on a woman’s self-esteem and quality of life. Unfortunately, most women do not seek help for hair loss because they are ashamed, embarrassed, or mistakenly believe there is “noting they can do”.

Fortunately, there is a new, 100% natural treatment available to help address female hair loss: platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy. In this article Dr. Ruthie Harper, MD in Austin, TX explains how this revolutionary new hair loss treatment can restore thick, luscious, beautiful hair in women (and men!)

What is PRP therapy for hair loss?

PRP therapy is a non-surgical treatment that involves using nourishing factors from a patient’s own blood to stimulate hair growth. The procedure involves drawing a small amount of blood from the patient and placing it in a centrifuge to separate the plasma, which is rich in growth factors and platelets which nourish the scalp and lead to stem cell migration.

This platelet-rich plasma is then injected into the patient’s scalp, where it can help to stimulate the growth of new hair follicles.

How PRP Therapy Treats Female Hair Loss

PRP therapy works by delivering a concentrated dose of growth factors and platelets directly to the scalp. These growth factors and platelets help to promote the growth of new blood vessels and migration of stem cells which can in turn promote the growth of new hair follicles.

Additionally, PRP therapy can also help to reduce inflammation in the scalp, which can be a contributing factor to hair loss. By reducing inflammation, PRP therapy can create a more favorable environment for hair growth.

Benefits of PRP Therapy for Female Hair Loss

There are several benefits of PRP therapy for female hair loss. One of the most significant benefits is that it is a non-surgical treatment option. Unlike hair transplant surgery, PRP therapy does not involve any incisions or sutures, which means that there is minimal risk of scarring or infection. Additionally, because the treatment uses the patient’s own blood, there is no risk of an allergic reaction or rejection.

Another benefit of PRP therapy is that it can be used to treat a variety of types of hair loss, including androgenetic alopecia, telogen effluvium, and alopecia areata. This means that PRP therapy can be a versatile treatment option for women with different types of hair loss.
Finally, PRP therapy is a relatively quick and simple procedure that can be completed in the physician’s office in just an hour. Most patients are able to return to their normal activities immediately after the treatment, although they may need to avoid strenuous exercise for a few days.

What can patients expect during PRP therapy?

Before undergoing PRP therapy, patients will undergo a thorough medical evaluation by Dr. Ruthie Harper, MD to determine the underlying cause of their hair loss. This evaluation may include a physical exam and blood tests. This is an important part of the treatment protocol so that each individuals cause for hair loss can be determined and resolved.

On the day of the procedure, the patient’s scalp will be numbed with a local anesthetic making the procedure painless. The PRP solution will then be injected into the scalp and the entire procedure typically takes less than an hour to complete.

After the procedure, patients may experience some mild tenderness at the injection sites, but these symptoms typically resolve within a few days. Patients will typically need to undergo four sessions of PRP hair loss therapy, spaced 1 month apart, to achieve optimal results.

No Side Effects with PRP Therapy for Female Hair Loss

PRP carries minimal risks and side effects when the procedure is performed by a qualified and experienced practitioner like Dr. Ruthie Harper, MD in Austin, TX.

There are only minor side effects, including mild discomfort or swelling at the injection sites following the procedure. However, these symptoms typically resolve within a few days, and can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers.

PRP Therapy for Female Hair Loss | Austin, TX

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is an effective treatment option for female hair loss, available at Ruthie Harper, MD in Austin, TX. It is safe and versatile and can be used to treat a variety of types of female hair loss.

PRP therapy for hair female loss offers several benefits over other treatment options, including a quick and simple procedure, minimal risk of infection, and no risk of allergic reaction or rejection. If you are a woman in the Austin, TX area who is struggling with hair loss, schedule PRP therapy with Dr. Ruthie Harper, MD and restore your confidence and quality of life!

PRP Female Hair Loss Treatment | Austin, TX: (512) 343-9355


Treating Hypothyroidism: Why Synthroid May Not be Enough

If you suffer from fatigue, weight gain, constipation, depression, and/or cold intolerance, your doctor may have determined you have “hyperthyroidism.” Hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland produces an insufficient amount of thyroid hormone. This hormone plays a crucial role in regulating metabolism, growth, and development in the body.

After doing some blood work, your physician’s approach may have been to prescribe a medication called Synthroid. This is a synthetic thyroid hormone replacement medication, and it is the most common treatment for hypothyroidism.

However, recent research has shown that using Synthroid alone may not be enough to resolve hypothyroidism for everyone. In this article thyroid expert Dr. Ruthie Harper, MD in Austin TX explains why Synthroid on its own may not be sufficient to resolve your hyperthyroidism symptoms – and what you can do about it!

Why Synthroid Alone May Not Resolve Hyperthyroidism

The thyroid gland produces both thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) hormones. One reason why Synthroid may not be enough to resolve hypothyroidism is that it only replaces one of the two primary thyroid hormones produced by the thyroid gland.

Synthroid only contains T4, which needs to be converted into T3 in the body to be effective. However, this conversion process may not work efficiently for some people, leading to a buildup of T4 and a deficiency of T3. This can result in persistent symptoms of hypothyroidism despite taking Synthroid.

Another reason why Synthroid may not be enough to resolve hypothyroidism is that it does not address the underlying causes of the condition. Hypothyroidism can be caused by various factors, such as autoimmune diseases, iodine deficiency, or inflammation of the thyroid gland.

While Synthroid can help manage the symptoms of hypothyroidism, it does not address the root cause of the problem. Therefore, if the underlying cause is not treated, the hypothyroidism may persist even with Synthroid.

An integrative medicine thyroid expert like Dr. Ruthie Harper, MD in Austin, TX can look at the “big picture” and get to the root cause of your condition – and not just put a “band-aid” like Synthroid on the symptoms.

Furthermore, the effectiveness of Synthroid may vary depending on the individual’s genetics, lifestyle, and overall health. For instance, certain genetic variations can affect the way the body processes thyroid hormones, making some people more resistant to thyroid hormone replacement therapy.
Additionally, factors such as stress, diet, and other medical conditions can also impact thyroid function and the body’s response to Synthroid. Therefore, some people may require additional therapies or lifestyle changes to manage their hypothyroidism effectively.

Again, an integrative medicine thyroid expert like Dr. Ruthie Harper, MD in Austin, TX will look at the patient as a whole and help put in place a comprehensive hypothyroidism management plan that includes both medications and helpful lifestyle adjustments.

What to Do When Synthroid Doesn’t Work

Fortunately, there are alternative treatment options available for people with hypothyroidism who are not responding adequately to Synthroid. One option is to use a combination of T4 and T3 hormone replacement therapy that can be customized to the patients need through a compounding pharmacy.

This approach involves taking a prescription that contains both T4 and T3 hormones to bypass the conversion process in the body. Some studies have shown that this combination therapy can improve symptoms and quality of life for people with hypothyroidism, especially those who are not responding to T4-only therapy.

Another option is to address the underlying cause of hypothyroidism directly. For example, if the hypothyroidism is caused by an autoimmune disease, such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, the focus of treatment may be on reducing inflammation and supporting the immune system. This can involve dietary changes, supplements, or medications that target inflammation and autoimmune responses.

Similarly, if the hypothyroidism is caused by iodine deficiency, increasing iodine intake through diet or supplements may help restore thyroid function.

In addition to medication and lifestyle changes, there are also natural remedies that thyroid expert Dr. Ruthie Harper, MD can prescribe to help manage hypothyroidism symptoms. These include herbs, such as ashwagandha and guggulu, which have been shown to support thyroid function and improve symptoms in some studies. Other natural remedies that may help include acupuncture, massage therapy, and stress-reducing techniques, such as meditation and yoga.

Hypothyroidism Doctor | Austin, TX

While Synthroid is an effective treatment option for many people with hypothyroidism, it may not be enough to resolve the condition for everyone. Integrative medicine doctor and thyroid expert Dr. Ruthie Harper, MD will work with each individual patient to determine the underlying cause of their thyroid problems and to ensure that the thyroid replacement medication is adequate.

Dr. Harper will also identify any underlying conditions, and put together a personalized treatment plan to resolve your symptoms and restore you to optimal health and an excellent quality of life.

Thyroid Doctor | Austin, TX: (512) 343-9355

ozempic doctor austin

Preventing Loss of Muscle Mass on Ozempic or Wegovy

The press surrounding the ‘miracle’ weight loss drugs Ozempic and Wegovy have put them on everybody’s radar. Suddenly, almost every celebrity on the red carpet is slim and trim – and everyday people are rushing to their doctors to get a prescription for this new ‘wonder drug.’

Semaglutide (the active ingredient in Ozempic or Wegovy) is a medication originally used to treat Type 2 Diabetes and is now FDA approved for weight loss in obese individuals. Its popularity is based on how effective it is in rapidly reducing body weight and improving metabolic parameters.

However, like anything in life, there are no ‘magic’ cures. Like any medication, semaglutide can have side effects. And one such side effect to Ozempic and Wegovy use is loss of muscle mass.

In this article Austin, TX integrative medicine doctor and weight loss expert Dr. Ruthie Harper, explains how to use Ozempic and Wegovy (semaglutide) safely – to ensure you do not experience dangerous loss of muscle mass.

How Ozempic & Wegovy Cause Loss of Muscle Mass

Semaglutide is a medication that works by reducing appetite and increasing feelings of fullness. It is a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist that mimics the effects of the hormone GLP-1, which is naturally produced by the body in response to food. GLP-1 is involved in regulating glucose metabolism, appetite, and energy expenditure.

While semaglutide has been shown to be effective in promoting weight loss, it can also have side effects, including loss of muscle mass. This is because semaglutide can reduce energy intake too much or too quickly, which can lead to a decrease in muscle protein synthesis. In addition, semaglutide can decrease insulin levels too much, which can also contribute to muscle loss.

The Dangers of Ozempic or Wegovy Loss of Muscle Mass

Muscle mass is important for overall health and physical function. It plays a crucial role in metabolic health, bone density, and strength. Loss of muscle mass can lead to a variety of health problems, including decreased metabolic rate critical for the ability to consume normal amounts of food after finishing your weight loss program.

Muscle mass is also important for strength, mobility, and for prevention of falls, fractures, and other injuries.

Maintaining Muscle Mass on Ozempic or Wegovy

To prevent loss of muscle mass when using Ozempic or Wegovy, it is important to have a DEXA scan prior to using semaglutide. It is also essential to work with a weight loss doctor like Ruthie Harper, MD who can calculate and recommend adequate amounts of protein and other macronutrients while using this drug.

DEXA stands for Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. It is a medical imaging technique that uses X-rays to measure bone density, body composition, and muscle mass. A DEXA scan is a simple and painless procedure that can provide valuable information about an individual’s body composition and overall health, including their muscle mass and bone density.

By monitoring muscle mass with DEXA scans, your physician can adjust treatment as needed to prevent muscle loss and promote overall health.

Preventing Muscle Mass Loss on Ozempic or Wegovy

In addition to monitoring muscle mass, there are other strategies that can be used to prevent muscle loss with semaglutide. These include:
1. Resistance training: Resistance training is a form of exercise that involves using weights or resistance bands to strengthen and build muscle. It is important to engage in regular resistance training to maintain muscle mass and prevent muscle loss while using semaglutide.

2. Protein intake: Protein is essential for muscle growth and maintenance. It is important to consume adequate amounts of protein to support muscle health. The amount of protein needed varies depending on an individual’s age, weight, and activity level and should be specifically calculated by your physician.

3. Adequate caloric intake: While semaglutide works by reducing appetite, it is important to consume enough calories to support muscle health. You physician can work with you to develop a nutrition plan that supports muscle health while promoting weight loss.

4. Vitamin D and calcium intake: Vitamin D and calcium are important for bone health and muscle function. It is important to measure levels of these important nutrients and consume adequate amounts of these nutrients to support overall health.

Semaglutide (Ozempic / Wegovy) Weight Loss Doctor | Austin, TX

While semaglutide is an effective medication for weight loss, it can have undesirable and serious side effects, including loss of muscle mass. To prevent muscle loss, it is important to have ongoing DEXA scans to monitor muscle mass and adjust your weight loss treatment plan as needed.

In addition, integrative medicine doctor and weight loss expert Dr. Ruthie Harper, MD will work with each individual patient to put together a comprehensive treatment plan that ensures muscle mass is maintained. This may include engaging in regular resistance training, consuming adequate protein and calories, and consuming adequate amounts of vitamin D and calcium.

By taking a comprehensive approach to health and wellness, Dr. Ruthie Harper, MD in Austin, TX works with each individual patient to help them achieve their weight loss goals while maintaining muscle mass and promoting overall health.

Ozempic / Wegovy Weight Loss Doctor | Austin, TX: (512) 343-9355